Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Awed and inspired...

Well as many of you have heard from various sources it is Give to the Max day... people all over the state are choosing non-profits on www.givemn.org and sharing their money and passion for many wonderful organiziations.

Go here if you want to see more about HOPE Center or donate yourself:

I was awed and inspired this morning when I came into work, turned on my computer and my inbox was filled with people who had chosen HOPE Center!

As of this afternoon we are up to $685.00!!

And all of that is eligible for the match from Give MN! But from what it sounds like there has been an incredible spirit of giving that has swept over the entire state... so although it will still be matched, it won't be $1 for $1... what a wonderful "problem", that the people of MN are so generous that the matching pot of $500,000 is too small to match dollar for dollar.

People around the state are stepping up and supporting causes they care about... thanks again to those who have chosen HOPE Center! We appreciate it!

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