Monday, October 5, 2009

Domestic Violence Awareness Month...

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!! [DVAM]

See our website for lots of information on how to join us in many of the events we have coming up soon!!

Today I was inspired by the many people who responded to the needs that we have put forth recently. We have been working with several families who were in need of children's clothing and within minutes of sending out the e-mail with the need we have had people step up and respond. It is so wonderful to be a part of such a giving community!

Recently I have been reminded of all the little ways that we come together to support each other. The tellers at the State Bank set out a collection jar for us to help us with the needs we didn't meet for the clients we had, I had a jewelry sale where 10% of the proceeds benefited HOPE Center, OAK Jewelry which is owned by Marypat Habermas and has beautiful handcrafted jewelry has consistently donated 10% of her proceeds to HOPE Center as well..., Kids Avenue put up our needs list, and many individuals offered to help in whatever ways they could. This is one of the best parts about my job!

The importance of us coming together was also the theme from an e-mail I received today from the Office on Violence Against Women talking about DVAM activities across the country.

As President Obama states, “Together, we must ensure that, in America, no victim of domestic violence ever struggles alone." Therefore, we, as agents of social change, must elevate the conversation so that Americans understand that violence against women and girls is unacceptable in our homes, schools, and communities – stretching as far north as our Native Alaska villages and as far west as the American Samoa territory.

Violence against women is the seed to so many other forms of violence. This shift must happen because violence against women continues to have devastating effects on entire communities. When children witness violence in the home, those children are impacted by what they have seen and often experienced themselves. Therefore, all members of the community must be engaged to end the violence. Parents, grandparents, siblings, co-workers, coaches, mentors, teachers, religious leaders, must all be involved.

Here is the National Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month:

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